Saturday, September 26, 2009

Starting out with coupons... What you need to know.

Information for those just starting out with coupons. A great resource of what to know, what to do, and where to start.

First things first. KNOW your store, and it's coupon policy. If your store has a coupon policy in writing (most do) print that and keep it with your coupons (in your binder, folder, or box). But make sure that you read and understand the policy. KNOW the store limits, double offer days, and any restrictions on printed coupons, or the number of coupons you are allowed to use. Knowing what your store expects from you, and what you can expect from them, can make using coupons much easier. Keeping the coupon policy with you is an easy way to always have reference when dealing with any issues that may arise. Instead of saying "I read somewhere", you can pull out the policy you have printed, and show them what you are reading from.

Second, KNOW your coupons. Read and understand your coupons. Know if you must purchase one or two (or more) items to use the coupon. Understand if the coupon is marked "no doubling". Understand the coupon "lingo" used in sales ads, and on coupons. One per purchase is different than one per transaction. Once you know your coupons, make sure you use them correctly. A store will respect those that have read and understand the policy, and then use their coupons correctly. Using coupons in any other way than intended is fraud.

Third, KNOW what is a deal, and what's not. Buying your favorite shampoo on sale, with a coupon... that's a deal. Buying dog food for a dog that you don't have, on sale with a coupon, is not such a great deal. Buy only what you will use, donate, or want to try out. There is NO harm in getting free or nearly free items and donating them. I do this often with personal, food, and pet products. Buying something cheap, that you are NOT going to use, is not a deal. Keep a grocery or shopping list of things that you need or want, clip coupons for these, and save. Being open to trying new products, or different brand products can really open the doors to saving. So don't be afraid to try something new, I just don't recommend that you purchase 50 of the same item, before trying just one.

Lastly, CLIP CLIP CLIP! Clip those coupons. Any coupon for any product that you will, or may use, clip it and save it! If it's from magazines, the Sunday paper inserts, or Internet Printed coupons, CLIP THEM! A lot of finding the best deals comes with having the right coupons at the right time. Often sales are on cycles. So if your favorite soda was not on sale this week, check the following week and chances are it will be on sale then, or soon after. Same with most name brand products. So clip coupons and save them (if possible) for a sale price to use with your coupon, making the most of your savings!

Well, this is the very BASIC coupon information for beginners. I will go into further detail with the different types of coupons, where to find coupons, different storage/organization methods, and more in the coming days!

Getting started!

Welcome to "a penny a day"! I am glad to have you visit! This blog is really a work in progress. I love to share deals and steals with my friends and family, and anyone else! How better to do that than to start a blog, sharing my finds.

Please be patient with me as I get this blog up and running, posting savings ideas, coupons, links, hints, and tips over the next couple of weeks.

Your comments and suggestions are welcomed, please let me know what YOU want to see! A blog is better when readers comment, add information, and even add tips!

A little about me. I am a stay at home mom of two wonderful little girls. By saving money I have enabled myself to stay home and still live a good life. Savings on food, toys, clothing and more! I love to share my savings, my finds, and my good fortune with others.

I do stockpile items that we will use in the future, hitting the BEST sales that I can! I am looking for more ways to save every day.

Please feel free to "contact me" with hints or tips that you find as well! And again, thank you for visiting!


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